Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Thursday, July 14

The indifferent Age of 25

Well, today was my 25th birthday!! I don't really feel any older, and I'm rather indifferent about being 25. When my older sister turned 25 she was all upset, refusing to let people mention her age and heaven forbid we call it "quarter of a century". However, I don't feel this way about 25. I still feel young and I know I have a lot of life a head of me still. I just don't really see the sense in being upset about your age, it's not like we can change it. So I say, go with the flow. I'm just happy that I am alive one more year, and relatively healthy. I hope I can keep this outlook as I get older and reach other "scary" ages, like 30, 40, 45 etc. Life is too short to obsess about things we can't change, like our age. So I would encourage all you hitting a significant age to just see the bright side, you are still alive!!


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