Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Saturday, July 16

My New Favorite Thing

I am now the proud owner of an iPod mini. My wonderful husband got it for me for my birthday. My CD player on my car doesn't work, and it will cost me over $200 to get it fixed. I know, I could just buy a new one, but instead we decided I would get an iPod, then I won't get in accidents trying to change CDs and I can take it with me. Pretty soon I will have to make a pretty bad commute to and from school and I just have to have music!! I am sooooo excited to start filling it with songs!! I think I will mostly just convert my CDs and add them to it. Anyways, I never thought I would be one of those people to get an MP3 player, but then again I never thought I would be a blogger either!


  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger Andres said…

    I'm jealous... I want a blog... oh I have one. I hear that they are making an IPod that dances to the music it plays... not really.

  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Pastor Stew said…

    Hey Andres,
    Give your wife a copy of my new book "Buy my book and send in money to pastor Stew!!"
    She will like it very much!
    Or get her a XBox with Fable and Halo2.

  • At 9:50 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    As a fellow MP3 listener, watch out for buying music. At .99 a song it seems cheap until you forget how many songs you have already downloaded! It is really fun though!


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