Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Wednesday, July 27

Ward Experience

I have just found out what I will be doing my first two weeks of school. All I knew before was I will be spending the first two weeks in the hospital from 8-5. This "ward experience" is pretty unusual in med schools, a lot of students don't have patient contact until their third year. So I have been excited about seeing patients up front. But I was wondering what on earth we would be doing since we don't know anything yet! Well, we will be paired with third year med students in one of seven areas. We got to rank the areas, so hopefully I get one of my top three. Obviously I ranked Pediatrics as number 1, then emergency med, neurology, psychiatry, internal med, ob/gyn, and lastly surgery. I'm not sure when I will find out which one I get, but I know it will be an amazing experience regardless!!


  • At 6:18 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    How cool! Tell us about it, but spare the gross stuff!


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