Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Friday, March 30

Dietrich's Big Day

As some of you may know, Dietrich has been having some bloody stools for the last few months. We went to see the GI pediatrician last week and she recommended getting a colonoscopy to see the source of the bleeding, which is what we did yesterday. On Wednesday we couldn't feed him any milk, only Pedialyte and juice. I was really dreading it, knowing how serious he is about food. He had one really bad crying spell where he was throwing a temper tantrum and hitting Steve, but after that he actually did really well. I had to kind of force him to drink the Pedialyte, but he would eventually give in and drink it. He didn't like the apple juice at all, which was a surprise. We also had to give him an enema, but he really didn't mind that either (he was distracted by the wipe container on the changing table). He didn't even cry that much during the night, which was a complete surprise to me! He woke up a few times, drank some Pedialyte and went back to sleep.

We went to the hospital and had to wait a few hours before he was taken in. He was very interested in all the equipment in the procedure room. The most amazing thing was he didn't even cry when they put the IV in! He was just looking at the nurses that were holding his arms and the nurse slipped it right in. He did really well during the procedure and slept for about an hour afterwards. He looked so precious. The doctor found an overgrowth of lymph nodes in the large intestine; there are supposed to be some but he had a lot more than are normal. These nodes are very fragile, so any time they get scraped a little they bleed, which is the cause of his bleeding. It could mean he has a more serious condition but we will find out next week when we get the biopsy results back. Most likely it's either allergy related or the reason is unknown.

I'm glad it's over and I'm so proud of my little boy for how well he did!



  • At 7:42 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    oh my you guys must be beat after all that.

    Im glad he was alright through the whole process, all the sounds and supplies probably seemed familiar to him after going to school with you!

  • At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Medical procedures with little ones are awful. I'm glad you made it through.

    We will be thinking of you as you await the results.


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