Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Thursday, January 18

Snow, School and Illness

I know it's been almost a week since last friday, but I have to share what I encountered that morning. I was getting ready for school and when I glanced out the window I saw something I haven't seen since living in Kansas City; Snow falling from the sky!! It was the weirdest thing. It wasn't cold enough for the snow to stick to the ground, it all melted but it was very pretty. But also very cold! That will probably be the only time in my life that I will see snow in San Bernardino.

School is going well, I got the 96th percentile on my psychiatry subject exam, which is an exam administered to all medical students in the US. I had a very scary meeting today about choosing the order of clinical rotations, which start this July. There are a lot of on-call rotations which mean I will be spending a lot of time away from home. I'm sad that I will probably miss witnessing Dietrich's first steps. I'll just have to make it up to him somehow!

Dietrich is growing so fast. He hasn't really been rolling over much since that first time last week. I'm afraid that he's coming down with a little bit of a cold since he has a cough and is a little congested. I pray it doesn't turn into anything major. Well that's all for now, enjoy the pictures.
"Yum, ladybugs taste good!"


  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Memo's Mind said…

    Seriously - that bald is beautiful shirt rocks! He is so adorable. Congrats on the test scores and good luck on the rotations! Soon will be a full fledged Doc and none of us will be able to read your writing!

  • At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He is SO cute! I love looking at his pics. :) Great job on your test! Good luck on your rotations, I know that you will do your best to do well in school and at home! Hope Dietrich feels better soon. Miss you!

  • At 7:17 AM, Blogger Sarah said…


    snow that doesnt stick sounds like heaven...


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