Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Saturday, April 29

Pregnant belly

I know it has been a while since I've last posted. We are finally almost all moved in to our new place, although not near done unpacking. I have my last week of classes next week before finals. I can't believe that I'm almost done with my first year, it has gone by so fast. My pregnancy is going by fast too, I'm already 18 weeks and really starting to show. These are pictures from 2 weeks ago. We go for the official ultrasound next thursday, where we will find out the gender. I'm so excited! Hopefully we will find out a way to post the ultrasound picture. At times I feel the pregnancy is going so fast I can't keep up with it, but then I realize I still have over half way left, which I'm glad of because we are no where near ready!! I'll post again after the ultrasound with the news.

Thursday, April 6

Sick and Pregnant

This past week I have come down with a head/chest cold. I never appreciated the freedom to take medication while I was not pregnant until now. I'm afraid to take anything so I have suffered the illness without the help of my friend the pharmaceutical. I did learn today that I can take over the counter cough medicine, but since that rarely works for me I'm not that optimistic. I just hope it goes away before I have to sing in the Easter musical next week, in which I have a solo.

In other news, I am now 15 weeks pregnant and beginning to show. I've never been more happy to gain weight! And Hawaii was a blast, we didn't want to come home. Although it was rainy for almost the whole time and we only saw the sun twice, it was still warm and very relaxing. Now it's back to the stresses of life. Why didn't I just stay in Hawaii?