Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Saturday, October 22

House Hunting

Today was the first day we went looking for a home. We found this one that was so perfect, very close to the school and the perfect size (see picture). Only problem, it was $430,000!!!! There is no way we can afford anything close to that. So now we know we won't be able to buy anything in Loma Linda! We also saw some townhomes in Redlands, but they were $350,000 and pretty small, but do-able. The major problem is they all pretty much are part of a homeowners association which means limited freedom in what we can do to our home. We just aren't conformists :) So, needless to say, we didn't find anything we're going to buy tomorrow, but we have an idea of what is out there. I just hope we will find something in our price range.

Wednesday, October 19

Fun Personality Tests

So as some of my friends did, I took these personality tests. Click on the link to take them yourself and tell me what you are. My husband is The Godfather and Sadam Hussein (my sister in law is as well). I am happy with my results.

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by

Monday, October 10

Pastor Appreciation

The month of October is pastor appreciation month. Ususally the church board takes the pastoral staff to a nice dinner or gives them some sort of gift. However, at our church the pastor took us and the music pastor out to dinner!! It was a very nice evening at a fancy restaurant in the foothills of San Bernardino. It had a beautiful view. I love to get dressed up and go out to a nice dinner and it's been a while since we've been able to. It was a nice break from all things medical school!!

Monday, October 3

Corpse Bride

I'm glad to say Tim Burton's Corpse Bride did not disappoint. I think that stop motion photography ( or as I call it claymation) is such an art and it is so refreshing to see that it is not a lost art. In the digital world we live in it's like a breath of fresh air to see something organic. Of course the music is wonderful (I love Danny Elfman) with some cute songs and the storyline was fun. I wouldn't take any kids to see it, it was a little scary, but I really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it!

Saturday, October 1


I got the results of my exams and I passed all of them!! I even got above the average on all of them, which I think is very good. The one I thought I failed was one of my highest grades. I know that it was God who helped me through and gave me peace when I was taking the tests. I never really felt that stressed. So now my goal is to study more the weeks leading up to the test so I won't have to do so much right before. So far this plan is not in action, I kind of took this last week off.
Today I am going to see Corpse Bride and I'm going to buy a new book, Son of a Witch. I will post later on both of these. I am very excited to have a date night with my husband. Med school prevents me from seeing him all that much. Well, I guess I should get some studying done before we go out. I hope everyone is doing well, please post comments to tell me how you are.