Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Thursday, February 16

Can I Go to Sleep Now?

Boy have I been exhausted lately. I know it's all part of being pregnant, but I didn't have a lot of energy before I got pregnant so it's even worse now. I got through midterms with failing only one test (I was ONE POINT away from passing). I'm actually surprised on how well I did on some of them considering I didn't study all that much because I was tired and felt nauseous. But I got through it alright. This week has been a very busy week at school and I haven't been able to take naps in the afternoon, so I feel like I could just sleep for three days straight! But enough complaining.
I went to my first OB appt yesterday and I really love my Dr. She's young and really nice and caring. As long as I stay low risk she will deliver my baby. She said everything looks on track and she's keeping the due date of Sept 29. I don't have to go back for a month, and at that appt they will look for the heartbeat. I think it will be so much more real when I hear the heart beat for the first time. I'm excited. Well, that's about all for now.

Tuesday, February 7

Being Pregnant Has Some Perks

Not that I'm trying to get out of doing school work because I want to get the best education possible, but I don't have to go to Anatomy lab anymore. The fumes from the formaldehyde are pretty strong and they make me want to pass out and throw up, plus being potentially harmful for the baby. This makes me kind of happy because now I will have a little extra free time on lab days (extra nap time!) but I kind of like anatomy lab and I really like my lab partners so it makes me a little sad that I won't be spending that time with them. I also hope people in my class will understand and not be nasty about it, thinking I'm trying to get out of doing work. I just don't want to deal with people like that. I'm not sure how they will be calculating my grade since lab is about half of the grade, but the teachers already told me that it was an option for me, so I'm taking that option. Well, since it's midterm week I should really get to studying.

Thursday, February 2

My First Pregnancy Meltdown

So I guess the hormones are really starting to kick in because I had my first meltdown last night. I won't go into all the details of what precipitated it, but I can say that it got a lot worse when I realized that I bought a box of saltine crackers when we already had one at home. I REALLY started bawling when I saw this. Pregnancy sure makes a woman upset about the silliest things.
In other pregnancy news, I think the morning (or in my case afternoon) sickness is starting. I've been getting more nauseous the last two days, especially in the afternoon. I hope it doesn't get worse than it is now. I don't think I could handle that.