Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Sunday, February 25


In recent news:

Dietrich took his first trip to SeaWorld. He had a lot of fun. He was so interested in everything and liked watching the dolphins swim around.

I passed all my midterms for the first time this year. I did really well on one of them and pretty well on the others. But the important thing is that I passed them all! God is so faithful!

I am struggling with the lactose free diet the Dr. put me on. The baby had been having some blood in his stools and the GI peds Dr. thought it might be the lactose in my diet aggrevating his digestive system. It doesn't make sense to me since lactose is broken down by my body, but I'm doing it anyways. It does seem to be helping, but I'm practically going crazy not being able to eat anything I'm used to. But I'll probably loose those last few baby pounds this way!

Dietrich is going to get a forming helmet. He has a flat head in the back and although Steve and I debated whether it was worth it, we have decided to go ahead. It will have a camoflauge pattern on it.

We are starting Dietrich on rice cereal tonight. He's getting a lot more hungry and still waking up two times a night to eat. So hopefully this will help.

That's all for the updates for now. I hope to post sooner next time.

Monday, February 12


Yesterday we dedicated Dietrich in the church. It was a wonderful time and very meaningful. Our district superintendent gave the message so it was special to have him a part of the ceremony. Dietrich slept through it, but we got it on tape so he can watch it later! Both of our families came and really enjoyed taking part in this special day. My grandma Kate got him the adorable outfit, which he is almost too big for so we did it just in time. At lunch Dietrich was amazed by Auntie Marla's scarf, it was so cute. It was a wonderful day.
