Wow, it's been a really long time
- I passed my board exam!! Only a few points lower than the national avarage, I got a 209. 184 is a pass. I was hoping for a 195.
- So far I have passed all the requirements for the internal medicine rotation. Only 10 more days to go!!
- Dietrich is almost 1!! we are having two parties for him since he is a PK and all the chruch wants to help us celebrate. Therefore we are having a family/friends party and a church party. They are on Sept 29 and 30. I really didn't want to make a huge deal out of this, but oh well for that idea.
- Dietrich is almost walking. He stands alone and takes a few steps before he realizes what he is doing and falls down. He is clapping, waving bye bye, saying mama and dada and getting into everything!!! and he also really likes to eat my flip flops. and he has 5 teeth.
- Still breast feeding! Dietrich doesn't much care for baby food so i'm still supplementing a lot with breast milk. I really have no plans of when to stop, we'll just have to see how things go.
I think that's the highlights for now. I will try to post more on my experience on internal medicine later.