Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Tuesday, November 15


I have received all my grades from this last set of exams except for the Anatomy practical. The final score: 3 above 90% (my highest was a 95% in cell biology), 3 in the 80% range and a 73% (in biochem, but that was a really hard test). I am very pleased with my scores and I actually did better this time than last, although I felt I studied less.
On another note, I cut about 5 inches off my hair. It is now layered and at my shoulders. I really like how it looks and it is so much easier to handle. The next decision is weather or not to die it again.

Friday, November 4

My First "A"!!!!

This week was midterms and it was a full week of exams. Last time we only had three days of exams but this time it was all five days! I am so brain dead and tired of memorizing and thinking. We got back the results for Monday's and Tuesday's exams and I passed all of them. Tuesday was the hardest day with Biochem (which I thought I was going to fail but didn't) and physical diagnosis. If we actually got grades (which we don't because it is only pass/fail with a 65% being pass in most classes) I would have received my first A. I got a 91% in physical diagnosis, which is the class where we learn to do a physical exam and actually get to pretend to be doctors! It's my favorite class so I am very happy to be doing well in it. I will get the rest of my results on Monday, but since Biochem was the hardest and I passed it I'm not too worried about the rest. Well, I just wanted to share my excitement with all of you.