Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Thursday, May 25

Still Alive

After taking 11 tests in 2 1/2 weeks I am still alive and actually eligible to move on to my second year of medical school. It was a grueling few weeks with many moments of panic as to whether or not I would pass everything, but except for the two scores I'm waiting to receive, I have passed all my classes!! I can't believe that the year is over and I actually made it through. We're on the wards again now, like we were in the beginning of the year except now we're expected to know something. I'm on OB/GYN for two weeks then switch to Internal Med. I'm hopefully going to be seeing some deliveries next week in the hospital where I will be delivering. I know, I must be crazy wanting to see women in labor knowing I'll have to do it in a few months, but I like to know what I'm getting into. And it's kind of neat to get an insiders perspective on how the ward works before I'm a patient there.

Dietrich is doing well, moving around A LOT and growing. The official ultrasound report said everything looks normal, which is a huge relief. However I have to confess that I am already a bad parent because I somehow managed to lose the ultrasound pictures. I'm pretty sure I threw them away unintentionally. I am still pretty upset about this, and I tried to get replacement pics from radiology but they aren't the same ones and not as good quality. Oh well, what can you do when you have no brain!! Here is a picture of me at 20 weeks, on Mother's Day. (I'm now 22 weeks!)

Friday, May 12

It's a boy!!

We found out last week at the ultrasound that we are having a boy! We are very excited, of course we would be excited if it was a girl too, but we kind of wanted to have a boy first. My dad had only daughters and he really wanted a grandson so I'm glad he will have one now. We have already named him Dietrich Wesley. The ultrasound went well, and since the previous week I had a class on interpreting ultrasounds I can say with a small bit of knowledge that everything looked okay. We won't get the official report until I go back to the Dr. in two weeks. Hopefully we will find a scanner and post the ultrasound pics. After I saw him on the ultrasound I wanted so badly to have him here. But, still I'm glad I have 5 months still to prepare!