Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Friday, June 30


So I've decided, probably not very intelligently, to work doing research this summer. I am beginning to regret my decision. This is the one "golden" summer we get in med school. Next summer we start doing clinical rotations shortly after we take our first board exam. So this was my last chance to enjoy being a slacker for the summer. But I decided to be responsible and work, in order to make money for the baby. But a part of me really wishes I could just stay home and get the house in order from moving 2 months ago. Luckily the doctor I'm doing research under is very laid back and gives us days off if we need them. And I'm saving on air conditioning by being gone all day!

I really do like the place I'm working at, which is a long term care facility for children who are ventilator dependent (most of them are brain damaged and thus can't breath on their own). It may seem depressing, but seeing the small milestones these kids reach really touches my heart. To see a kid respond with a smile when you talk to him, or stop crying when you give him his favorite teddy bear, or start fussing when you walk in front of the TV they are watching. These are things we expect infants to do, but the fact that a six year old who is severly mentally disabled can do them is remarkable. I'm blessed every day I see these kids. It may not be the most ideal "last summer ever", but at least I enjoy what I'm doing and hopefully will make a difference somehow.

Tuesday, June 13

Two Years Already?

Yesterday was our two year wedding anniversary. I can't believe it has already been two years! The flowers were sent to us from the church, arn't they beautiful? We didn't really do anything to celebrate but we hope to go on a small trip in July, maybe to Monteray Bay or San Diego. We had Steve's parents over last night for dinner, it was fun to get out the fine china and have an excuse to clean the house! I think the horror of my wedding is almost behind me, I don't think about it nearly as much as I used to and I'm almost ready to put the best pictures in an album so people can actually look at them. A lot has happened in the last two years and I'm excited to see how we will change and grow in the future, especially once Dietrich comes!!

Friday, June 2

more ordination pics

The whole family


Steve was ordained last night in a beautiful service at the conclusion of our church district's yearly assembly. It was the first assembly I've been to, and although it got long at times, I really did enjoy hearing what has gone on in other churches this past year. Being a relatively new Nazarene, I'm still learning about the administrative side of the church, but I think it's kind of fun. I was happy to see the pastor of the church where I went while in college (he also married Steve and I) and his wife and kids. I met a lot of new people too.

The ordination was truly a celebration of the call God has put on Steve's life. I hadn't really thought about what the ordination meant for our family until I was sitting in the service, listening to one of the 6 heads of our denomination talk about it. He was encouraging us to not lose heart when times get tough and to always stay true to the call. I guess I never realized how hard it can become, now that Steve is ordained and we have publicly announced our commitment to a life in ministry. Currently we are in a wonderful church that is very supportive of us, but this may not always be the case. My eyes were opened to that fact that we will be somewhat in the public eye due to Steve's call to be a pastor, and that can be rough. These are things I just haven't thought about much until last night. I don't really feel any different since last night, but I do feel a permanence to the ministry Steve and I have dedicated our lives to.