Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Monday, October 23


No matter how much people try to describe parenthood to a soon-to-be-parent it really means very little. You just have to experience it for yourself to fully understand it. It is joyful yet exhausting. I have never in my life had this little sleep for so many days in a row, yet I have tapped into some unknown source of energy and am still able to function. Being the parent of a newborn is hard work. They require everything from you, and especially since I am breastfeeding there is a lot of responsibility involved. I have never felt so emotional as I have the last few weeks. I did not have an emotional pregnancy, but I guess it all came out at once the week after the baby's birth. I think I cried at least once a day, mostly for no reason or for feelings of guilt that I was doing something wrong as a parent already. These crying spells have mostly stopped though, which I'm sure Steve is grateful for.

I was able to take all 6 of my exams last week, which I credit completely to God. There is no way I could have done it alone, and I know it was God who gave me the strength to get through it. I failed most of them, but only within a few points of passing so it will not be that hard to make up on the next tests. Now I am back attending lectures and it has been nice to hear all the support from my classmates. I miss Dietrich when I am gone, but I'm glad he can spend some alone time with daddy.

Wednesday, October 11

Dietrich Wesley

He is finally here!! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post about the baby's birth, but as you can imagine things have been pretty crazy!! He was born on Oct 3rd at 12:13 pm after 15 hours of labor (3 1/3 exhausting hours spent pushing!) He was 7 lbs 14 oz and 19 in long. He is a perfect baby, he only cries when he needs something, mostly to feed, and he often sleeps for 5-6 hrs at a time. The only thing is he usually likes to eat for about 2 hours in the middle of the night, so sleep has been lacking. We are really enjoying getting to know him and the love I have for him was so strong the first time I saw him and has only been growing since then. I'm doing well, healing from the trauma inflicted from all the pushing and trying to study for midterms next week.