Those who have taken these personality tests before will know a little more what I'm talking about. I am an INFJ, introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging (not like judgmental, more like planning everything out). We took the test at my first day of orientation for med school. First we had to say what we thought we were, then we took the test. I tested exactly the same as I guessed. I guess I know myself pretty well, or I am able to trick myself really well!! Supposedly my type make good Psychiatrists. I don't want to be a psychiatrist, so I hope my type makes good pediatricians as well. According to the test I am an idealist, always wanting to help others and myself grow and wanting to find the authenticity in myself and others. I do think this fits pretty well, as long as I can get over my social anxiety and introvertedness and actually get to know people. I met a few people today, but I think I spent most of the time sitting in my seat waiting for the professor to start talking again. Oh well, I know I will eventually make friends, I always have.
As I was looking around the room I was thinking "These are the people I will be going through med school with, studying with, venting with, crying with, and sharing one of the most difficult times of my life with. They seem like pretty nice people." Most of the people I met today were seventh day adventist (I go to a seventh day adventist med school) and unmarried. I was surprised that many of them are not right out of college, I kind of told myself I would be unique in being out of college for two years, but this seems not to be the case. There seemed to be a lot more guys than girls today, but I'll see more of the ratio tomorrow since today was optional. Anyways, these are my observations of my first day of med school. I'm really looking forward to starting!!