Doctor in Training

Hi. My name is Rikki and I am now a Family and Preventive Medicine resident in Southern CA. I hope you enjoy what nonsense I decide to post. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Wednesday, July 27

Ward Experience

I have just found out what I will be doing my first two weeks of school. All I knew before was I will be spending the first two weeks in the hospital from 8-5. This "ward experience" is pretty unusual in med schools, a lot of students don't have patient contact until their third year. So I have been excited about seeing patients up front. But I was wondering what on earth we would be doing since we don't know anything yet! Well, we will be paired with third year med students in one of seven areas. We got to rank the areas, so hopefully I get one of my top three. Obviously I ranked Pediatrics as number 1, then emergency med, neurology, psychiatry, internal med, ob/gyn, and lastly surgery. I'm not sure when I will find out which one I get, but I know it will be an amazing experience regardless!!

Thursday, July 21

My Wonderful Husband

Now that I have figured out how to change my links, I want to tell you all about my husband's blog, Don't ask me, I'm only a pastor. He will mostly be blogging about being a pastor and his second favorite passion, video games. So, check it out!!

Wednesday, July 20

Harry Potter At Last!!

Yes, I am one of those people who read Harry Potter and become totally engrossed in it. I have just started reading the new book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and I have to force myself to put it down!! I don't like to read them too fast because I like to make the experience last as long as I can, but I just want to keep reading. It is very good so far. I have also found a very good website published by J.K. Rowling herself. In it she talks about rumors, discloses info on characters that she hasn't been able to put in the books etc. It is very fascinating for the Harry Potter fanatic. See J.K Rowling's site
I just hope this book isn't as sad as the last one; my favorite character other than Harry died in the last one. So I highly recommend that if you havn't read any of the books, start!!

Tuesday, July 19

All Growned Up

I am very scared that I am now grown up. My mom got me a very nice suit for my birthday and I LOVE it. It wasn't that long ago that I still enjoyed getting toys for my birthday, now I enjoy getting business suits. Okay, so I was older than most when I stopped getting toys, not including Barbie's since I collect them, but still it only seems like yesterday that I was a kid. I am very excited to grow up, but at the same time I'm terrified. Responsibility, financial debt, marriage . . . all these things come with being grown up. My husband just started a job as a pastor and he preached at our new church on Sunday. I am a Pastor's wife!!! That I think is the scariest thing. I love the church, but it is so weird to thing that my husband is one of the pastors. Anyways, I guess I just need to embrace adulthood but I can't help but wish on occasion that I could still be 8 yrs old.

Saturday, July 16

My New Favorite Thing

I am now the proud owner of an iPod mini. My wonderful husband got it for me for my birthday. My CD player on my car doesn't work, and it will cost me over $200 to get it fixed. I know, I could just buy a new one, but instead we decided I would get an iPod, then I won't get in accidents trying to change CDs and I can take it with me. Pretty soon I will have to make a pretty bad commute to and from school and I just have to have music!! I am sooooo excited to start filling it with songs!! I think I will mostly just convert my CDs and add them to it. Anyways, I never thought I would be one of those people to get an MP3 player, but then again I never thought I would be a blogger either!

Thursday, July 14

The indifferent Age of 25

Well, today was my 25th birthday!! I don't really feel any older, and I'm rather indifferent about being 25. When my older sister turned 25 she was all upset, refusing to let people mention her age and heaven forbid we call it "quarter of a century". However, I don't feel this way about 25. I still feel young and I know I have a lot of life a head of me still. I just don't really see the sense in being upset about your age, it's not like we can change it. So I say, go with the flow. I'm just happy that I am alive one more year, and relatively healthy. I hope I can keep this outlook as I get older and reach other "scary" ages, like 30, 40, 45 etc. Life is too short to obsess about things we can't change, like our age. So I would encourage all you hitting a significant age to just see the bright side, you are still alive!!

Wednesday, July 13

Loans, Books and other med school oddities

So I finally got my loans approved today. I am now $48,000 in the hole!! After I pay all the school fees, I get 11,000 to live off. That should cover my credit card bills, car insurance and living money. It felt so weird accepting a loan for that much money, knowing I will be doing the exact same thing for 3 more years!!

I also opened some of my text books today. My favorite part of every semester in undergrad was getting my books. So it is no surprise that I have really enjoyed getting my books for med school too. I have already read a few of the entries in our big diagnostic text book. I am soooooo excited to start learning and seeing patients.

The weirdest question I have been getting from people lately is "Are you excited to start school." This may not sound very odd to you, but I never quite know how to answer this question. I am so excited that I have to stop myself from thinking about it because then I become obsessed and impatient to start. This is the one thing that I have been preparing for basically my whole life and it is finally almost here!! But with all my excitement also comes a lot of anxiety. What if I can't remember anything and don't know how to study after being out of school for 2 years? What if all the other students are better than me? What if I don't make any friends? What if my recent health problems prevent me from doing well? These are all questions that keep circulating through my mind. So, if you happen to ask me if I am excited to start school and I pause before answering or don't seem quite sincere, it is just because I really don't know if I am excited or scared out of my mind!!

Tuesday, July 12

Animal Crossing!!!

Okay so I am totally obsessed with the Nintendo Gamecube game Animal Crossing. My friend Beth introduced me and since I am now living with my in-laws I have access to my nephew's Gamecube, so the first thing I did was go out and buy the game. It is sooooooo much fun!! You get to live in this little town of animals, although you are human, and they talk to you. You can buy things, sell things, fix up a house, catch bugs, go fishing, collect art and fossils and put it all in a museum. It is so totally addicting. You also get mail from the animals and you can send them mail to. The only bad thing, the game is on real time so it knows how long it has been since you have played, and your animal friends get mad if you don't talk to them for a few days. So luckily I have a husband who also loves it, so when I start school he can make sure the animals don't hate me! Anyways, I thought I would share my new love.
Welcome to the primere of my first ever blog.
I first have to say, all the inspiration for this blog came from my blogging friend Beth, so thanks Beth, I hope I won't let you down. Second I want to say that I have created this blog for friends and family to keep in touch, but all are welcome to peer into my uninteresting life. I am going to start Med School in a month, so until then my life will be pretty boring. After then I may not have a lot of time to blog, but I'll try to post once a week at least. Pictures will follow, once I get my own computer up and running (I have recently moved back to California, otherwise known as the Promised Land, from Kansas City and I have just found out my monitor doesn't work, so for now I am using my in-laws computer.) So enjoy, and feel free to comment. Talk to you soon.